Virtual Mother Blessing, Part 2

Last week I posted about a virtual mother blessing for Molly Westerman of the blog First the Egg. Tuesday, I emailed her a “blessingway in your inbox” containing the words of birth energy, thoughts, and encouragement emailed by her friends and family as well as a recording of the blessingway chant, “Woman Am I,” that my friends and I sing at all of our ceremonies. This inbox version was also accompanied by some mailed items (a blessingway in a regular box).

I enlisted the aid of my friends last week at playgroup at the skating rink to sing a rendition of “Woman Am I” using the voice memo feature on my iPhone. I feel really lucky to have a group of friends who will stand in the skating rink lobby with me and sing heartily for a woman they’ve never met. Seriously, not everyone is this lucky. My friends rock! The recording is available via soundcloud here for anyone else’s benefit. ๐Ÿ™‚

Take 1. iPhone on floor of skating rink lobby.

Take 2. Phone on top of trash can in skating rink lobby.

Woman am I, Spirit am I, I am the Infinite within my soul...

Blessingway in a box!

Some goodies for a blessing bracelet/necklace.

You can read about the mother blessing from Molly’s perspective in her post here.

5 thoughts on “Virtual Mother Blessing, Part 2

  1. Pingback: Birth Song, Life Song, Death Song

  2. Pingback: Birth Song, Life Song, Death Song by Molly Remer | Feminism and Religion

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