Mother Blessing Ceremony

Lots of good friend energy!

I keep wanting to post about my mother blessing/blessingway ceremony last week and I can’t quite manage to find the right words. So, I decided to share some pictures mainly and wait to see if more words will come…My mom hosted it at my home and 19 women attended (so, with me, a nice even 20). I don’t think there have ever been so many people in my living room! Early in this pregnancy I said I wanted to have the “biggest blessingway ever!” and it was a big one. A lot of my friends tend towards “small and intimate” for their mother blessings and while I definitely see the value to that too, it was really important to me to see and feel and know how many people in my life care about me and my baby and who have hoped with me and waited with me while I cautiously made my way to this time and this place. My mom said something about there being a lot of people here and I said, “yep, and I like them all!” My life has been touched/enriched by every woman in the room and it was very moving to look around the room and see them all here together. It was a very crying blessingway—they each stated their name and said, “I am here for you, Molly” and I was a wreck! I really felt like it was one of the best days of my life and was just what I needed. I felt so well-cared for and loved and full of emotion. I thank each one of them for being here for me and for loving my baby with me.

Birth altar table with many lovely new additions!

Birth doll adorned with small items from all the guests.

After the ceremony, I set up a different table close to my "birth nest" spot.

I hung these three lovely birth art pieces on the wall right around the corner from my little table. The Willendorf wallhanging is from my friend Trisha, the super cool photo from my friend Karen, and the firey pregnant woman painting from my lovely future sister-in-law, Jenny.

My whole birth art wall/gallery.

I wish I would have taken a picture of all the lovely and tasty food that was there for our feast as well! It was a beautiful, special day and felt like an amazing launching point on my upcoming birthing journey 🙂

7 thoughts on “Mother Blessing Ceremony

  1. Wow, Molly – getting so close now 🙂 Your Blessingway looks beautiful, and such an honouring of your journey. Thank you for sharing the pics – I love the one of you surrounded by women who are all ‘there for you’ – made me cry reading that bit in your post too 🙂 Sending my own vibes across the oceans, acknowledging the beauty of this stage of your pregnancy, and the strength and courage you have 🙂

  2. It was quite possibly the most power-full one I’ve been to yet! I’m so glad that you feel loved, because you are. 🙂 It was also one of the most emotional ones I’ve been too because we all wanted this so badly for you and we’ve all watched/felt your emotions leading up to this point. I got teary eyed just reading the post!

  3. Molly,

    With tears in my eyes, I read that your circle said to you “I am here for you.” What a powerful ceremony. Your circle is much wider than you imagine. I join my voice with theirs: “I am here for you.”

    Have fun!


  4. Pingback: 2011 Blog Year in Review « Talk Birth

  5. Pingback: Creating a Birth Altar, Part 1

  6. Pingback: Book birthday party: of life and labyrinths

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