More Birth Art!

On Saturday, I became inspired to create some new birth art and worked on it rather than the other work that was on my list.

I wanted to make a “womb labyrinth” finger labyrinth and after some experimentation and a LOT of time, I made this one, using a drawing I previously created as my model:

This was my original drawing from 2007 on which I based the clay design:

Since I had the polymer clay out, I couldn’t resist making another one of my birth goddess sculptures. This one I colored using gold pigment and she looks very royal. I feel like making these sculptures has helped me integrate  “pregnant woman” back into my identity and I really like this one in particular:

And, here is a picture of the two together—a nice day’s work if I do say so myself 🙂 And, more consistent with my “savoring” and self-care goals than some of the other things that I had on my list for the day (but hey, write two book reviews was on there and I did that too!)

On Sunday, my inspiration continued and I made another womb labyrinth that I like better than the first one:

I also experimented and made a different type that turned out pretty neat too:


9 thoughts on “More Birth Art!

  1. Pingback: Birth Altar « Talk Birth

  2. Pingback: Adventures in Birth Art… « Talk Birth

  3. Pingback: Kiva Woman with Womb Labyrinth « Talk Birth

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